Step 11 - Take personal inventory.
I have so much stash that I am almost embarrassed (almost). Don't hate me, but I don’t have a closet -- I have a stash room.
This is why I am convincing I will live forever because I can't possibly use all of this in my life time. SABLE, right? (Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy). Good words to life by.
The sad part is that about a third of my stash came from my mother's and my sister-in-law's stash when they passed away. It's fun, though, to make something with those skeins because I seem to think about them the entire time I am knitting. They must be channeling their way through to my fingers, onto my needles, and holding my yarn, because every now and then, I hear my mom telling me I am knitting too loosely, or my sister-in-law praising my choice of colors.
Yes, Mom, I'm done writing. Back to the needles. (See what I mean?)
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